Quiet, Unrelenting Hope: Easter 2020

Resurrection is not about being perfect or getting it all right or having everything the way we want or happily ever after… Resurrection is about a love determined enough to find us in our grief and in our fear, take us by the hand and lead us into hope.

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Jennifer Warner
whole, not perfect.

What if God wants more for us than perfection? What if the authority, brilliance and efficacy of God is not around an idea of perfectly executed action but being in the mess with us, moving and flowing and responding with the movement of life?

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sermonsJennifer Warner

It is a power that allows us to say a deep and soul-filled “yes” to a reality that we cannot fully understand or grasp, but that we in faith believe. It is the reality that love is the foundation of reality. And that love is powerful. So powerful that it can transform the dirt and muck of our everyday lives. 

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Jennifer Warner
risk abundance

Abundance is being welcomed, held, loved into wholeness. Abundance is knowing that everything, everything, is God’s and so we are free to risk abundance in our actions in the world, in our own healing, in our love. 


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Jennifer Warner
nevertheless, she persisted

On this beautiful day, in anticipation of the installation this afternoon, it is a peek behind the veil, it is a little reprieve in the seeking and the knocking, to say that yes! God is good and God is listening and God is responding.

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Jennifer Warner